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Logistics managers:  How to power through #blackfriday - 6 tips.

Written by Steve Eston | Nov 13, 2017 10:16:00 AM

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday happening at the end of the week, (24th November to be precise) hitting consumers and driving sales both online and offline, it's the time of the year when sales go mad, and 2017 is expected to be the biggest and craziest yet!

As great as it is for the consumer, it causes logistical and supply chain nightmares. The huge increase in sales over a short period means that companies need to be prepared and ensure that there is constant communication between logistics, sales & marketing and management.

The drive for sales in such a concentrated amount of time, puts heavy pressure on the Logistics industry who work longer hours on tighter times frames.

With these dates looming fast, it’s better to take stock now.
Here are some tips to help you get through a potentially stressful time.

  1. Plan, plan, plan!

You know that both you and your team are going to be under extra pressure so plan for it. Dont try and squeeze things in that will stress you out. Put on hold or re-schedule things like one to one meetings until after Black Friday. Have you got a Plan B ready to go if something goes wrong? Does your team know what needs to happen? Have you factored in weather conditions? Planning is key! 

2. Good communication 

It's so important to communicate clearly with members of your team. Don't let frustrations build up. Try and spot potential issues before they blow up and cause even bigger issues. Go over any problems you faced last year and seek to come up with solutions if they arrise again. 

3. Get a good night's sleep in the lead up to Black Friday.

Sounds obvious, but a great night's sleep can vastly make a difference to your mental focus and your mood in general. Get to bed early (if you can )and you'll have the energy to really power through the day and remain focussed. Encourage your team to do the same if they can.

4. Eat sensibly

If it's possible, plan your meals and bring in your own food from home that is not only cheaper but more nourishing. If you are in a stressful environment, you don't want to add to it by your blood sugar being low and surviving on sugary cups of coffee, tea or fizzy drinks to get through it. Have a substantial breakfast and a supply of healthy food near by and if you can, drink lots of water.  Why not have some healthy snacks and water for you team as well?

5. Say thank you

No doubt everyone will have worked extremely hard and some may have worked extrea shifts or through the night. Everyone will be feeling being under the extra pressure. Saying thank you to them will go a long way. Everyone loves a pat on the back for a job well done! 

6. Finally - plan a short break as a reward! 

Why not book in a short break or a few days off as a staycation ready for when the Black Friday and Cyber Monday rush is over? This will give you something to look forward to and also a chance to charge your batteries after the big event ( and ready for Christmas!) 

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